Riverdale has hosted three scarecrow contests 2020-2021-2022. The first year we had 14 entries, and they looked fantastic lined-up in the main market garden, which runs parallel to the Caledon Trail on the west side. Peer review voted this little scarecrow the winner! The following year, we had 9 entries and the winner was the…
Riverdale Blog
Bed-Down Shavings
Bed-Down Shavings was one of the added-on-value products we were able to offer early in the past decade. We had timber from our Woodlot management program; we had horses that needed bedding, and the motto “waste not, want not” passed down from our grandparents…so we bought a small shaving mill, a 40′ sea container, and…
Farmers’ Market
It takes an awful lot of time and commitment for small farmers and growers to commit to a 20 week, Summer Farmers’ Market circuit. If the truth be told, at the end of the day, one just barely breaks even for the booth rental and insurance. The bigger truth is the priceless experience for us…
2022 Community Garden Plots
The Riverdale Market Garden was moved west, from this site, a few years back. Then, two families from the village asked if they could have a small plot to grow veggies, as their backyards had very little sun. So of course! In 2021, with so many folks staying at home, we put a sign out…
Heidi Ambassador Duty
Heidi is a miniature donkey . She came to the farm as a 1-year-old,along with Raven, who was a year older. Both donkeys made regularvisits to the local Hospice to visit residents and staff. Raven passedaway a while back , yet Heidi remains a constant mascot of Riverdale .In fact she is the captain of…
Healing Sound Workshops
During the recent two years of the pandemic we offered weekly gifts of sound massage, and it was a hands-on, giving and receiving, using a myriad of vocables and instruments to create soundscapes . These evenings were ideal to discuss and ponder the introductory concepts that all things are vibrations. Maybe only three of four…